Services available at the pain clinic

The services we provide to patients and clients at Rad Pain Clinic.
What can we do for you at Rad Pain Clinic?

Rad Pain Clinic

At Rad Pain Clinic, we offer a wide range of medical services to improve the condition of our patients with the most up-to-date methods and the most up-to-date equipment and experienced team.

Epidural injection

This method can be used in patients with lumbar or cervical discs who have referred to Rad Pain Clinic and have not responded to routine treatments. In this method, imaging is performed in the space behind the disc and injection is performed. In some patients, this procedure may need to be repeated to control pain.

Lumbar disc treatment

In patients with low back pain, medication, spinal exercises, hydrotherapy, and physiotherapy may initially be helpful. By performing the above procedures regularly, these patients help to improve their physical condition and sometimes their weight, and provide the conditions for pain relief.

Lumbar disc laser

In patients who do not respond well to the initial maintenance treatments and suffer from radical lower extremity pain, we help the pain in the clinic by using a lumbar disc laser to reduce the pain and improve the sciatica symptoms.

Neck and lumbar discogel

The use of discogel combination is very effective in spinal discs, especially in cervical discs, and has prevented unnecessary surgeries if the patient chooses properly.

Disc endoscopy

One of the most advanced methods in lumbar discs is the use of disc endoscopy. In this method, a small incision is made in the patient’s back and the disc parts are removed without damaging the bone and spinal tissue.

Nerve blocks

In various diseases such as shingles, chest pain after heart surgery is open heart surgery, sympathetic nerve involvement, piriformis muscle involvement, etc. The use of nerve blocks under fluoroscopic guidance or ultrasound is very helpful.

Triple nerve pain

One of the most severe pain a person can experience is trigeminal neuralgia or trigeminal neuralgia. This nerve has three branches and causes pain in the forehead, cheeks or lower jaw, and if it does not respond to drug treatment, it is a candidate for radiofrequency of the trigeminal nerve.

Spine Radiofrequency

It is a method in which, with the help of special electrodes, the nerves of the joints of the spine are placed and after the necessary examinations, we anesthetize the joints with the help of the heating system. This method is very good and safe and does not require hospitalization.

Postoperative pain

After spinal surgery in some patients, low back and leg pain may occur at a distance from the surgery, which can be treated with surgical methods such as medication, physiotherapy, codal injection and radiofrequency.

Pain of cancer patients

In cancer patients, depending on the location of the disease and the severity of the patient’s spread, different pains are mentioned, which is treated with a drug or neuroleser of regional nerves to reduce and control the pain of these patients.

Knee injection

In knee osteoarthritis, joint replacement is not always the answer. Depending on the severity of the arthritis, the use of painkillers, physiotherapy and hydrotherapy, as well as injections of hyaluronic acid into the joints may help. The use of stem cells has also revolutionized the treatment of osteoarthritis.

Shoulder injection

Injuries to the shoulder muscles that lead to a ruptured muscle restrict joint movement, called a frozen shoulder. In people who are unable to have surgery or are not satisfied with surgery, shoulder joint injections can help reduce joint limitations.

Resistant headaches

In the pain clinic, we start the drug treatment of patients with headache after complete examinations, and if the appropriate response to the treatment is not given in these patients, the use of nerve blocks can be effective in controlling the pain.

Spinal cord stimulators

In patients who have suffered spinal cord injuries due to war, accident, sports injuries, etc., and who have pain resistant to lower limb treatment, the use of spinal stimuli to control the pain of these patients is helpful.

Intrathecal pumps

In patients with lower limb pain, lower limb spasm, amputation, or cancer patients for whom it is not possible to control pain properly, the use of spinal pumps to control these symptoms is very helpful.

Stem Cells

The use of stem cells in osteoarthritis of the joints and protruding discs has begun and extensive research has been done in this field. In Rad Pain Clinic, by choosing the right patient and using this method, unnecessary surgeries can be prevented.

Powerful laser

This procedure is performed under a high-power laser device at Rad Pain Clinic, which activates the analgesic system in the area of pain or protruding disc or arthritic joint by increasing blood flow to the area of pain and causing a noticeable reduction of pain in that area.

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دکتر سیامک مرادی فوق تخصص درد در کلینیک درد راد

In short Words

Dr. Siamak Moradi is a pain specialist at Rad Pain Clinic in Tehran. At the Pain Clinic, the best and most experienced doctors are working to control or treat a variety of common pains.

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